Poor cross browser table manners


Hello,<br />
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I would like to make my site <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.editfast.com">http://www.editfast.com</a><!-- m --> at least viewable in IE (which it is, I think, but tell me if I am wrong) and in Netscape. I designed using IE as my default previewer but last week I installed Netscape just to see what it looked like and I immediately discovered two main problems (there are probably more). The design view in Dreamweaver displays the tags and then when I choose "Preview in IE" it displays well, at least on my computer on a few different display settings. However, when I choose "Preview in Netscape" the displayed page is pushed way over to the right off the screen. I know this is a table problem but how can I solve the problem in Dreamweaver when there doesn't seem to be a problem when I view it in design view. I have also viewed it in Netscape Composer and, there also, it seems to view correctly in both design view and in "preview"<br />
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The other problem which you will notice immediately if you view this page in Netscape is that the Javascript "Ticker" at the top left is almost non functional and flashes and blinks so bad it is almost suicidal to view this page so be warned!<br />
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Questions<br />
1) Why is the display so bad in Netscape but not in Composer or in Dreamweaver?<br />
2) What can I do to fix this?<br />
3) Is there a quick fix for the "Ticker" in Netscape<br />
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Bob<!--content-->Originally posted by Bob <br />
Questions<br />
1) Why is the display so bad in Netscape but not in Composer or in Dreamweaver?<br />
2) What can I do to fix this?<br />
3) Is there a quick fix for the "Ticker" in NetscapeWhich version of NetScape are you using?<!--content-->I just installed Netscape so it is the latest version 6.2.2<!--content-->actually it doesn't look bad in Netscape4.79<br />
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the ticker even works, but it is in the wrong spot. you also need to make the email input box smaller because it comes out to far. also remember in NS4.79 none of your link hovers will work<!--content-->Hi Scoutt,<br />
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Yes, I have just solved the problem with the tables. In trhe ticker I had:<br />
<br />
var tickerwidth="50"<br />
var tickerheight="100"<br />
<br />
when it should be:<br />
<br />
var tickerwidth="50px"<br />
var tickerheight="100px"<br />
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Netscape is pretty particular!<br />
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Others have also said the site looks fine although they never mentioned the big email input box. I don't notice that on my machine.<br />
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What I don't understand is why, on my machine, the ticker is so erratic. Only when I use Netscape not IE. The whole text flashes each time a new letter comes on screen so it is very hard to look at and very very distracting. I use Netscape 6.2.2 on a Win2k 500 mhz machine.<br />
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I set the monitor refresh rate to 75 hz last week to cure a slight flickering on my screen but that shouldn't have any affect on a javascirpt ticker while not affecting anything else.<br />
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Don't know why the ticker does that.<br />
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Bob<!--content-->cool you got it.<br />
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the input box comes out farther then your line that goes down. no big dealjust thought I would let you know.<!--content-->