poll: closing </p> tags


Okay. Here's a simple question. How many of you close your <p> tags?<br />
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Please vote "yes" if you do and "no" if you don't. Either way, please include your reasons. The reason I'm asking is because I'm getting conflicting information between what I find in research and the information I'm getting from our web developer. He claims it can cause problems with Netscape 4.7x rendering images behind text...a problem I have yet to see.<br />
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thanks<br />
Ken<br />
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FYI. I close my <p> tags and do so because all my research says this is the proper thing to do.<!--content-->I close all my <p>s because the standards say that a </p> is required. Especially when applying styles it would not be logical to not close <p>s or the style would go on forever. Just a note all tags in XHTML require a closing tag.<br />
Peace,<br />
Ed<br />
:rocker:<!--content-->yup, i always close all my tags. and now i'm writing with XHTML in mind, too, so i close everything else as well.<!--content-->Originally posted by transmothra <br />
yup, i always close all my tags. and now i'm writing with XHTML in mind, too, so i close everything else as well. <br />
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ditto... you should get in the habit of closing all tags.<!--content-->Same here, close all tags. It's good practice.<!--content-->Thanks for the quick responses. However, has anyone heard of or noticed the problem I mentioned in my original post...where closing the <p> tag causes improper rendering of images/text? This seems to be the main concern of our web developer, who doesn't want to close <p> tags.<br />
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Is the problem possibly the result of something else? I mean, I've seen instances where text is rendered on top of images when it shouldn't be (e.g. A left aligned image followed by an un/ordered list). I just haven't seen this as a result of not closing </p> tags.<br />
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BTW. Can someone explain why, under certain situations, text will render on top of images?<!--content-->shouldn't be possible that that would be a side effect of not closing or closing a <p>. something else is causing that. can you post code, point to a URL, something like that? and please specify what browser/OS this happens in, and at what screen resolution it's being viewed at. sounds like faulty CSS to me, or an outdated (by years!) browser.<!--content-->Thanks. Like I said, I have yet to see the problem (as a result of closing <p> tags). Our web developer is pretty emphatic that closing <p> tags causes some sort of rendering problem with images/text but hasn't demonstrated any examples. That's why I was hoping that perhaps someone here has experienced this and could enlighten me. Oh well. The concensus is that you should close <p> tags and this is what I've been doing.<br />
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Much appreciated<br />
Ken<!--content-->Yah I always close my p tags I'm a neat-freak when it comes to code everything must be properly spaced, and i usually use mulitiple p tags so I have to end them. Nope i have never heard of "where closing the <p> tag causes improper rendering of images/text" maybe can you post your code or URL that would help alot.<!--content-->I never heard of closing tags causing problems.<br />
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Since I usually code in XHTML, I always close every tag. It's become second nature.<!--content-->Close 'em, Putz!<br />
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Erm, wrong forum<!--content-->