Point XML parser to local DTD


New Member
I want to parse certain XML response which uses external DTD:\[code\]Set objXml = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")objXml.setProperty "ProhibitDTD", FalseobjXml.setProperty "ResolveExternals", TrueobjXml.validateOnParse = TrueobjXml.async = False...objXml.load(url_query)...\[/code\]This way I can't make it work, even if I knew how to point the address of remote DTD declared in XML response, because some elements are missing in DTD declaration (which resides on remote host).If I handle request/response with \[code\]MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP\[/code\] then assign XML response to string and load it (\[code\]XML.loadXML(str)\[/code\]) while having local copy of correct DTD in same folder as VBS script all is fine.How can I use above snippet without handling request/response with \[code\]MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP\[/code\] and point it to right DTD file (which is located in script folder)?