point me in the right direction?


Hello my friends, any suggestions on the best/easiest way to do the following?<br />
1. Have a multi-paged(possibly?) questionaire that will display a printable version of all answers at the end(hopefully in an html template I can edit). An e-mail option would be nice too.<br />
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2. Sell one customizable item via paypal, i.e. I'd like to be sent a textarea form filled out by the costumer when the order is placed.<br />
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I would like to keep the coding as simple as possible, but I know that might not be a possibility. I tried doing a multi-page form with CSS, but it seems like it's just not gonna work with Netscape. I'm kind of stumped right now.<br />
My server supports PHP, Perl, and ASP.<br />
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Thanks in advance :D<!--content-->Have a look at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.hotscripts.com">www.hotscripts.com</a><!-- w --> they might already have something along the lines you are looking for with a little customisation.<!--content-->I had actually looked around there quite extensively to no avail, and was hoping someone knew of a specific script.<br />
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Soupermail looked to be what I wanted, but unfortunately wouldn't install correctly without access to a static ip. Phorm looked like it might be a possibility though, and I prefer php to perl. Does anyone know anything about it? I wouldn't mind buying their installer (Phormation) if it will get what I need done easily. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.phorm.com">www.phorm.com</a><!-- w --><br />
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Do you know of anything more specific?<!--content-->