New Member
Two or three months ago I added an XML/RSS feed to the site for our podcasts and submitted it to a number of podcast directories. The .xml file now gets half the hits our homepage does. But I've noticed since that my site has slowly started falling on google searches. Words we used to be #1 or #2 for, have now dropped to #6 or #7...Is this because of the growth of links in such a small amount of time by all the directories? The .xml file has about 20 episodes in it, and each of them link to an .mp3 on our server. So each time the directory ads it, we get 20 new link backs, but they are the only links on the page (minus all the google ads the podcast directories use).In the long run will this hurt the site?hi, i'm new on this site.For my site the .XML file has incremented my positioning on GOOGLE.