PLZHLP:Forms that saves filled in data in the same folder under different names


:( Please help :( <br />
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I need to know how i can make a form that will save the filled in data in many differently named files in the same folder where the form is. The form will not be posted on the site. It is for a person that will sit at his computer and fill in the orders of customers when they come in the office. After that he could open the folder with all the data saved under different names and look at who are his customers and what do they need.<br />
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It should look like this:<br />
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Name:_______<br />
Adress:_______<br />
........:______<br />
....:_______<br />
.......:______<br />
Name under which the form should save:_______<br />
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I don't know if HTML is the best way to do this but if anyone can help me or recommend something different i would be really happy.<br />
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Thank You all very much!<br />
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Merry Xmas!<br />
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RuS<!--content-->For this application you need an server side language like PHP or ASP or.... With HTML, you can't write or save anything on the server.<!--content-->There are many ways to do this.<br />
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First of all, is the form on the same machine as the user and is it ever intended to be accessed remotely (from the internet?).<br />
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If it is on the same computer, a simple program should suffice.<br />
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If it is to be accessed from different locations via the Internet, it will reside on the web server. Therefore an HTML form should be used. But, as was said, HTML can never modify a contents of a file (no client-side tech will). You would have to use a server-side application through CGI.<br />
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From here, it all depends on what you have to work with. Does your web server support CGI? If so, does it support any of Perl, ASP, PHP or C server side apps? Tell us.<!--content-->