PLz HeLp


New Member
hello everyone iv just opened <-- REMOVED FOR MEMBERS SAFETY --> now everytime i go on it there's been a bot he's regsitered and now im having to delete all the threads one by one is there a quicker way to do this as in prune user posts and threads if so please help me
yes there is a quicker way, when you select to delete the post, select "Delete as spam" and then select "Delete posts/threads made by this person" (somet like that) and then delete the person ( caring one with it) and then it will remove that bots posts and will also ban there ip and it cant come back and reg on the same post.

(hope this help )
Go to the profile of the spammer, in the profile find all posts by this user, select them all and delete, I physically remove them when I delete but but the delete menu will give you some other options as well.
