Plz help.............


New Member

i have already posted a thread but no one had replied......... i am using vbulletin 3.8.2.......... I want that when a moderator or s.moderator delete or move any thread........... an automatic PM should be sent to the respesctive user owing the thread............ can any one help me out............ plz......

Both of these do exist but only for 3.7

I have found one that does both, you just uncheck the box if you dont want send PM for a deletion.

If they work for 3.8.2 I do not know.

As always backup your database and vbulletin forum before you add any hack to it.

this will cause ur db to go nuts if u have lots of threads being deleted its bad option to enable in a site if u have lots of members and threads !

just a advice rest is up to u.