Plugin Manager Stand-alone Rip?


New Member
Is there any way to manually install the VB plugin manager, hook components, MySQL data, and php file system manually to a seriously hacked backend of Vbulletin? Actually, there is no specific version of VB that I am running since it was coded from the ground up using VB as a foundation or framework.

I am sure this can be determined from how Vbulletin installs the plugin manager components. Maybe it cannot. Anyone?


Im pretty sure this is the first time I will not be able to give an acurate awnser :p

If i'd have to guess, i'd say the plugin system works with the database and an XML proccessing system...dunno though...
DEViANT said:
Im pretty sure this is the first time I will not be able to give an acurate awnser :p

If i'd have to guess, i'd say the plugin system works with the database and an XML proccessing system...dunno though...

Actually, let me rephrase what I think I really need. Stupid me for not researching what I need. After reviewing my site, there is no "Product" manager. Dunno though myself because figuring out .XML files and manually doing edits to some cool plugins is beyond any discussion I have seen thus far. Unless of course I actually install VB 3.6.x or 3.7 and do a backwards port of my site back to core Vbulletin. That won't happen. Maybe I'll just get an XML parser or something to convert what I need to MySQL format or hire the actual plugin coder to manually make the additions to my site.

Anyways, cool site!! Glad I found it through the Google.
