plugging values into a table template...


hi...<br />
<br />
my problem starts with the small standings tables you can find on this page:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
i am trying to figure out a way to take a block of text like this...<br />
<br />
NY Islanders 12 7 3 2 0 16 41 29 <br />
Philadelphia 12 6 2 3 1 16 40 26 <br />
New Jersey 12 6 3 3 0 15 29 25 <br />
NY Rangers 12 5 4 2 1 13 29 28 <br />
Pittsburgh 12 3 6 3 0 9 25 39 <br />
<br />
...and automatically insert the separate values into the table cells without having to type them all in manually. is there some way that i can copy/paste these values into a template? if so, what format do my values and/or template have to be in? as you can imagine, updating this page is terrible, especially since the standings change daily. <br />
<br />
i use FrontPage, although for essentially nothing more than the preview feature. is there something in FP that could help? i recieve this info via email, and it comes in simple text rather than a Word or Excel document. <br />
<br />
thanks in advance for any help! :)<br />
<br />
<br />
The FlyerFly<!--content-->This (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) will do what you are asking for.<br />
<br />
Although it seems complicated it really isn't.<br />
Once you Download <!--more--> the zip file and extract the files.<br />
There is an examples folder.<br />
Within the examples folder is a grid.htm file.<br />
This is the only file you will need to edit.<br />
<br />
The documentation is easy to follow if you take the time to read it. ;)<br />
<br />
Once properly setup, you will only need to enter<br />
one line of code each week to keep your stats current.<br />
<br />
Good Luck;<br />
....Willy<!--content-->hi willy...thanks for replying.<br />
<br />
but im having trouble. i Download <!--more-->ed the zip file and extracted it no prob. i found the Grid HTML document you mentioned, and was able to successfully paste everything into my page as it was. i uploaded the CSS and Jscript to my host, and referenced them properly in the code. <br />
<br />
my problem appeared as soon as i tried to customize the script to my needs. i only fooled with the appropriate values and essentially left the meat and potatoes of the script untouched. but every time i try to preview the page, im getting the following IE Script Error...<br />
<br />
" 'myData[...]' is null or not an object. "<br />
<br />
i didnt change the layout of the 'myData' portion of the code...i only changed the values. i did add more columns, however. would you mind taking a look at my code to see where the problem lies?<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
im admittedly not very familiar with CSS and Javascript, but i have had to paste and customize scripts before. i dont know what im doing wrong here.<br />
<br />
also, i do see why you suggested this script to me as an answer, but i still have to manually type in the values every time i want to update. its definitely faster this way, but i was hoping that there was something i could use to copy/paste my entire text standings as a whole and have the individual values automatically dropped right into the code in predesignated spots. kinda as if whatever program i used would "know" that the text data automatically gets divided up and plugged into certain spots. is there such a thing? this is a bit of a problem for me, because during the hockey season, i am doing alot of updating after every game and such. anything i can do to cut down my update time would be terrific.<br />
<br />
thanks again!<br />
<br />
<br />
The FlyerFly<!--content-->I can only offer you limited support.<br />
You must read the documentation and preserve the file<br />
names and folder tree which were contained within the zip file.<br />
<br />
You can not start renaming folders and/or files.<br />
There are too many external scripts which are dependent on<br />
each other. If you change a file name or destroy the integrity<br />
of the references to various folders you will break the script.<br />
<br />
eg:<br />
<!-- ActiveUI stylesheet and scripts --><br />
YOURS:<br />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ><br />
<link href="../runtime/classic/activeui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ></link><br />
YOURS:<br />
<script src="http://flyerflies.bravepages/jsscripts/activeui.js"></script><br />
<script src="../runtime/activeui.js"></script><br />
<br />
Why have you arbitrarily changed the folder names?<br />
Each one of those scripts refer to other scripts which are<br />
being referenced thru absolute URL's and are referring to<br />
the original folder structure.<br />
<br />
If you change or move:../runtime/classic/ as you did to: stylesheets/<br />
you have destroyed anyway for the remaining scripts to find each other.<br />
<br />
my problem appeared as soon as i tried to customize the script to my needs.<br />
Did you first try to install and run the script on your site and<br />
check that it worked as is before you started making changes?<br />
<br />
i was hoping that there was something i could use to copy/paste my entire text standings as a whole and have the individual values automatically dropped right into the code in predesignated spots. kinda as if whatever program i used would "know" that the text data automatically gets divided up and plugged into certain spots. is there such a thing?<br />
No, there is not a magical script which will have the<br />
infinite wisdom to just "know" where to place the<br />
inputed data. The best you could hope for would be to use<br />
a full blown database using server scripting. But then, you<br />
would need access to a cgi-bin and mysql or simular database.<br />
Plus you would still need to write a script which would<br />
tell the database how to interpret, filter and write the data.<br />
<br />
If this script is properly set up. You will only need to<br />
input one line of code for each team to update every week.<br />
Or one line of code if you are only listing the flyers.<br />
<br />
If you still want to use this script. I would suggest that<br />
you drop back and punt. Start over. Beginning with installing<br />
the script on your site. Insure it works out of the box.<br />
Once you know it works. Then start making small changes.<br />
Making copies of everything as you slowly continue....<br />
<br />
.....Willy<!--content-->have one of those dreams where your walking around in public with no pants on?? well, thats how im feeling right now. <br />
<br />
like i said, im not familiar with CSS or Javascript, so im not understanding something here. when you mention the files...<br />
<br />
<link href="../runtime/classic/activeui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ></link><br />
<br />
...what does the ".." represent? what is the rest of the URL?? i always thought that the link names given in these situations were just used as examples, and that you would have to upload the files to your webhost for them to work. at that point, i didnt think it mattered what you named them, as long as they were properly referenced in the link code. <br />
<br />
also, do you have to upload the entive ActiveUI extracted folder to the webhost? i tried to do just that. i uploaded every file and created folders of the same name in the same sequence, and still improvement.<br />
<br />
id still like to use this script, because it is an upgrade from the method im using now, but i simply dont know how to make it work. <br />
<br />
if you have anything else to add, id appreciate it. if not, thats cool...thats for the help anyway.<br />
<br />
The FlyerFly<!--content-->Hi;<br />
<br />
If you are patient and take your time.<br />
You'll get it working. Plus learn a few things to boot.<br />
<br />
../<br />
Is part of the absolute URL:<br />
It indicates to the browser to go UP one directory.<br />
<br />
../runtime/classic/activeui.css<br />
In this case. It indicates to go from within the examples<br />
directory back UP one directory into the ActiveUI directory.<br />
<br />
runtime/classic/activeui.css<br />
Once in the ActiveUI directory runtime/ indicates<br />
to now go DOWN one directory into the runtime folder<br />
<br />
classic/activeui.css<br />
Once in the runtime directory classic/ indicates<br />
to go DOWN another directory into the classic folder<br />
<br />
In short:<br />
<br />
../ == UP one directory<br />
../../ == UP two directories<br />
<br />
downOne/ == DOWN one directory<br />
downOne/downTwo/ == DOWN two directories<br />
<br />
I think I presented that correctly. :D <br />
Someone should correct me if I'm wrong.<br />
<br />
But as you can see.<br />
It is important to keep the file structure<br />
and avoid renaming anything. At least until<br />
you fully understand the script.<br />
<br />