Please solve the following problem


Staff member
Hello All
I have changed other page to fit my demand in the following codes ,as you see below we have a function named addrepair which it had given the valur of number argument from the number field that user enter for example 2 or 3 ,Now I want to change it I want to pass the number to the addrepair function according the number I choose from the select box("component_select) for example if I choose component_1 and component_2 and component_4 it pass 3 to the function addrepair
Sincerley Mohsen

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
<!-- This script is written by Speedpete. -->
<!-- You may copy it freely -->

function addRepair(number) {
data = "";
inter = "'";

if (number < 17 && number > -1) {

for (i=1; i <= number; i++){

displaycount = i + 1;

//because a seperate table didn't work, a lot of spaces are needed
data = data + "<strong>Repair " + displaycount + "</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name=repairtype" + displaycount + " id=repairtype" + displaycount + " align='top'><option value=''>Alignment</option><option value=''>Battery</option><option value=''>Brakes</option><option value=''>Maintainence</option><option value=''>Major Repair</option><option value=''>Minor Repair</option><option value=''>Oil</option><option value=''>Oil Change</option><option value=''>Other</option><option value=''>State Inspection</option><option value=''>Tires</option><option value=''>Tune Up</option><option value=''>Washing</option></select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Qty @ Cost</strong><input name='quantity" + displaycount + "' type='text' size='6' maxlength='6' align='top'> @ <input align='top' name='repaircost" + displaycount + "' type='text' id='repaircost" + displaycount + "' size='10' maxlength='10'><BR>";

finalcount = displaycount;
data = data + "<input type=hidden name=repaircount id=repaircount value=" + finalcount + ">";

if (document.layers) {

else {
if(document.getElementById) {
document.getElementById('repairlist').innerHTML = data;
else {
else {
window.alert("There's a maximum of 15 entries.")

<META content="MSHTML 5.00.2920.0" name=GENERATOR>

Add Expense

<P><STRONG>Howmany Rent option Do you have?</STRONG></P>
<FORM id=counter name=counter>
<SELECT multiple name="component-select">


<INPUT onclick=addRepair(counter.number.value) type=button value="Set Number">
<FORM action=/expenses_processor.cfm method=post name=addedit
onsubmit="return _CF_checkaddedit(this)">

<STRONG>Rent price</STRONG>&nbsp;
name=repairtype1 type=hidden value=1> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<STRONG>Qty
@ Cost</STRONG> <INPUT align=top maxLength=6 name=quantity1 size=6>
<INPUT align=top id=repaircost1 maxLength=10 name=repaircost1
size=10> <BR>

<DIV id=repairlist style="POSITION: relative"

<INPUT name=Submit type=submit value="Add Repair"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<INPUT name=reset type=reset value="Clear Form">

