Please share your experience


New Member
I've started developing a .NET application and -I'm sure that you will agree - writing your first .NET app. involves re-writing a *lot* of code.<BR><BR>However the challenge has been good after many brain-dead days of churning out reams of Classic ASP code.<BR><BR>One thing that has helped me immensely has been the "plethora" (as SM would say) of good sites out there such as:<BR><BR> - DotNetJunkies<BR> - ASP Alliance<BR> -<BR> - 4Guys<BR> - 123aspx<BR><BR>(to name but a few) with good samples and tutorials.<BR><BR>One thing that eludes me however is - how (or rather where) do you go about learning how to use VisualStudio.NET?? In all honesty most of my problems have come about because I set up a project incorrectly OR my webforms would die when I tried to use code behind classes.<BR><BR>Please share your experiences of how you went about learning VisualStudio.NET.<BR><BR>Thankyou,<BR>Frodo<BR>go to:<BR><BR>there is a free book you can download there<BR><BR>i worked through the whole book a couple of weeks ago - it had a few typos in it (but the author admits in the beginning that there may be some errors because he had to crank the thing out real quick), but despite the typos, i found it to be a good way to get my feet wet with<BR><BR>don't expect it to be a real in-depth book, but a good starting point