Please read my letter of appeal sent to Yahoo Answers regarding unfair treatment and suspension of m


New Member
If at all possible, I woud like my request forwarded to someone with higher authority than this so-called Karen person who responded to my last email. Specifically, I would like to know which guidelines I "violated?" Prior to my account suspension I was answering and asking questions in the Politics/Government/Election section and my liberal opinions were outnumbered by conservative republicans by a ratio of about 10 to 1. Normally I spend all of my time in the Relgion and Sprituality section where fairness is the normal mode of conduct among users. People's opinions and beliefs are respected and challenged in that section with a willingness to have an intellectual debate and (sometimes) argument. Moreover, R&S users share a tolerance for a common sense of humor and do not report people's questions simply because they don't agree with a person's particular beliefs, opinions or philosophy. The religion and spirituality section should be a template for how the rest of Yahoo Answers is supposed to work. When people arbitrarily report anybody who they disagree with--as the republicans always tend to do in the politics section--they are hindering the advancement of civil discourse. If Yahoo Answers is going to condone such one-sided reckless flagging of questions they are limiting the exercise of free speech and promoting an agenda-driven product.<br />
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I anticipate a personal response rather than a computer generated answer please.<br />


New Member
I think this has encouraged me to go pretend to be a flaming homo in the politics section with the pseudonym "meat muncher"


New Member
I disagree. I've had one account suspended already and I solely answered in R&S. The report monkey's are EVERYWHERE!


New Member
Good sentiment. I'm afraid you'll become just another template, copy & past, send.

You're still right, though.



New Member
Unless your threatening violence against others or using excessive vulgarity then i don't see the problem! Everybody has a right to an opinion!


New Member
Every time I ask a question that makes the Christians 'think', I get reported and my question removed. Christians are such whiners.

Yeah I'm bitter.


New Member
I'm guessing you got an automated response, there really isn't anything you can do to get a direct reply. Do you know how many hundreds of thousands of abuse etc; mails they get?maybe many users on this worldwide? i'm not sure they have the necessary numbers in staff... Only thing you can do is report them back.