please help with table problem


here is my page so far <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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if the link is broken here i attached the source as a txt file<br />
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now to help me u need to see the page<br />
on the right u will see a table that says "table data" in it now i want that table to be just like the one on the left that says "sof site links" (same with border color interior color etc) and i want it to be up top like the one with the picture is in it i dont want it to be below the table that says page 2 and has all that text in it i changed that table to 75% but the table that says table data in it still wont move up to right underneath that line like the one on the left is<br />
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i hope i explaied this well enough please help i am stumped<!--content-->All the three columns, the left one, the one in the middle and the right one should belong to the same table. You've done separate tables for each column.<!--content-->how do i make them all part of the same but still keep the same attributes and look that they all have? im kinda new to html and junk<br />
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thanx for the quick response i didnt think anybody else was up at this time<!--content-->you could nest them inside a larger table, setting the layout you want in that and then giving the smaller tables 100% values.<br />
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you have a few errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... +Europe%29</a><!-- m -->) in your coding!<br />
be carefull of deprecated tags like <center> and <font><!--content-->is there anyway somebody can post the html i need to use to get it done? and i can customize what i want in the right side table? cause i have been trying different stuff and i just cant get that table onthe right at the top<!--content-->You need to first look at the link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... +Europe%29</a><!-- m -->) that leoo24 posted, and fix up all those errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... +Europe%29</a><!-- m -->). At the moment, your code is so mixed up that different browsers may display the page completely differently, or maybe not display some elements at all.<!--content-->ok i need sleep i will get to that tomorrow the reason it is so messed up cause i took the template from a page that is exactly liek that go to page 1 and u will see whta i am talking about cause i didnt know how to make the table and the background work and everything by starting from scratch but i kinda want to i just need help on some stuff<!--content-->Add a type="text/css" attribute to every <style> tag.<br />
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Add type="text/javascript" to every <script> tag.<br />
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Remember to "Quote" all attributes, especially all "#FFFFFF" colors, all URLs, all "50%" sizes, and any other attribute value that contains anything other than a simple "A" to "Z" or "0" to "9" value. In HTML 4.01 it is recommended to quote all attribute values.<br />
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Check element nesting, that all tags opened are closed, and are closed in the correct order. Stuff like this is not valid: </tr></marquee></td></P><br />
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Identical adjacent opening tags that each have a separate attribute, like <font size="2"><font color="#FFFFFF"><font face="ariel">, can be combined so that it becomes a tag with several attributes, like <font size="2" color="#FFFFFF" face="ariel">. This then only requires one closing </font> tag, instead of three.<br />
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Enclose any Javascript code inside this sort of <!-- comment // --> tags, and all of the CSS style code in this sort of <!-- comment --> tag pair.<br />
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That should fix most of the errors. Post again if there is anything you are stuck with after that.<!--content-->