In July I just registered a domain. it was expried recently. Today, I have a look at to see some informaiton on this domain. I got the following informaiton. I am a bit worried about "Blacklist Status" field. What doea that mean? Why a new registered domain was blacklisted?
Please help!
Server Type: Apache 3
( also uses Apache)
IP Address:
IP Location: - xxx - xxx - xxxx Inc
Response Code: 200
Blacklist Status: Currently Listed (history)
SSL Cert: No valid SSL on this Host
Website Status: Active
Reverse IP: 691 other sites hosted on this server

Server Type: Apache 3
( also uses Apache)
IP Address:
IP Location: - xxx - xxx - xxxx Inc
Response Code: 200
Blacklist Status: Currently Listed (history)
SSL Cert: No valid SSL on this Host
Website Status: Active
Reverse IP: 691 other sites hosted on this server