Please Help me!<BR><BR>I know practically nothing about ASP, however i do know c++,vb,and java. <BR><BR>My problem(or task) is this: To make a Teacher Profile Editor that uses a Microsoft Access .mdb file. This Editor has to be on a web page, so i need to use html(or asp). I need to be able to login to the database as a specific teacher by accessing a username and password stored in the database. When a teacher logs in, the site needs to show and be able to edit only that specific teacher's profile.<BR><BR>PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE!!!<BR><BR>Hoping that someone will PLEASE repond ,<BR>JeffYou would be better off asking in the ASP Q&A forum, since you don't seem to be interested in ASP.NET. <BR><BR>However...You probably won't get any answers there either (at least not good ones) with such a vauge question. My suggestion is that you start with a good book, such as Beginning ASP by Wrox Press, or SAMS ASP in 21 Days. Then, perhaps a site such as would be of help, or the search function available on 4Guys can produce much of the information that you need. For very specific questions, often holds the key.<BR>If all of your research fails, and you have, again, very specific questions that you need the answer to, the ASP Q&A forum is one of the best. <BR><BR>Good luck and Godspeed on your project!<BR>