I've developed a JavaScript convention to help improve web-based software development at Creativyst.com. After producing the spec, it occurred to me that this might be even more useful if shared with other webmasters and JavaScript developers.
For this reason, I've decided to distribute the example code shown in the spec under OSI v1.1 terms, and the text of the spec itself under "distribute but do not alter" terms.
The convention allows content/data to be easily shared and integrated into web pages, while not imposing any layout or visual limitations on the content's user.
Before making it official, I'd really like to get comments from you, the JavaScript and webmaster community. I'd appreciate your help and feedback on the specification as well as any support or idea contributions you may want to offer. Please be honest with any criticisms and free with your ideas. In all cases, attribution and credit will be returned.
Feel free to write, call, or forum me (there is contact information at the site as well as a forum. I'll also be checking back here less frequently).
It is a long spec but you can get a good understanding of what it's all about if you read only these sections:
Usage Examples (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMsg/cvsMsg.htm#Usage">http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMs ... .htm#Usage</a><!-- m -->)
cvsMsg Clients (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMsg/cvsMsg.htm#Usage">http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMs ... .htm#Usage</a><!-- m -->)
cvsMsg Servers (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMsg/cvsMsg.htm#cvsMsgServers">http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMs ... MsgServers</a><!-- m -->)
The spec allows for
multiple cvsMsg files containing content from different sources to be included and used on the same web page
client scripts to be written that display cvsMsg content in creative ways, WITHOUT the script's writer needing to know anything about the cvsMsg files it may get its content from.
webmasters to aggregate content from multiple cvsMsg files together to act as a single store of content.
? more...
Btw, I know this "separation of data and format" is what XML is for, but I haven't figured out any cross-platform ways to make it do that yet.
P.S. Do you know of other community forums where it might be helpful to post this request?
I've developed a JavaScript convention to help improve web-based software development at Creativyst.com. After producing the spec, it occurred to me that this might be even more useful if shared with other webmasters and JavaScript developers.
For this reason, I've decided to distribute the example code shown in the spec under OSI v1.1 terms, and the text of the spec itself under "distribute but do not alter" terms.
The convention allows content/data to be easily shared and integrated into web pages, while not imposing any layout or visual limitations on the content's user.
Before making it official, I'd really like to get comments from you, the JavaScript and webmaster community. I'd appreciate your help and feedback on the specification as well as any support or idea contributions you may want to offer. Please be honest with any criticisms and free with your ideas. In all cases, attribution and credit will be returned.
Feel free to write, call, or forum me (there is contact information at the site as well as a forum. I'll also be checking back here less frequently).
It is a long spec but you can get a good understanding of what it's all about if you read only these sections:
Usage Examples (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMsg/cvsMsg.htm#Usage">http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMs ... .htm#Usage</a><!-- m -->)
cvsMsg Clients (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMsg/cvsMsg.htm#Usage">http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMs ... .htm#Usage</a><!-- m -->)
cvsMsg Servers (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMsg/cvsMsg.htm#cvsMsgServers">http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Std/cvsMs ... MsgServers</a><!-- m -->)
The spec allows for
multiple cvsMsg files containing content from different sources to be included and used on the same web page
client scripts to be written that display cvsMsg content in creative ways, WITHOUT the script's writer needing to know anything about the cvsMsg files it may get its content from.
webmasters to aggregate content from multiple cvsMsg files together to act as a single store of content.
? more...
Btw, I know this "separation of data and format" is what XML is for, but I haven't figured out any cross-platform ways to make it do that yet.
P.S. Do you know of other community forums where it might be helpful to post this request?