Please help Regarding "Snooker JPG"


New Member
Could you please send any quality "snooker imgae/jpg" where i can use as a home page to my web site.

Because i am not able to use this image as home page because of less quality JPG.

Please see my attache style.
Thanks ...
Please send me big JPG [with black and white ]..where i can add logo and place text beside each ball .

my intention is to have a snooker board as background with some balls which
represents some kind of job category at the ball(such as Marketing,finance,HR,Bpo,pharma,information technology) at each ball as a text.
The last two B&W pics were 640x480 - how big do you want? Both have large black areas for logo & ball icons. IDK what you're looking for?
Im sorry but google.
I will normally help but I cant understand why you are asking for something you can get simply by typing snooker in google and selecting images. then select extra large sizes