Please - Help me?!


I made a "link to me" page and everything is great, but I cannot figure out how to put a text link on so it doesn't just show up as a link! I've been looking on my tutorial sites, but don't even know what to call this to do a search and just can't find any info on it = so, here I am again!<br />
Thanks!<br />
Jeni<!--content-->Try using <pre></pre><!--content-->I am not exactly sure what you are trying to say, but this is what I think you are saying<br />
<br />
<a href="">Link Text</a><br />
||||||||||- the text above can be anything and will link to the url given to the left.<br />
<br />
Hope this is what you meant!<!--content-->I'm trying to make a text link for a links page I was going to have on my site a couple hours but when I create the text links, of course, I get a link link - not a link someone could copy and paste = that's what I'm trying to do. I'm not surprised that didn't come through clear, because my ignorance is showing - I didn't even know what to call that - did this clear it up for you?<!--content-->Got it - thanks! Eager to try it - wanted to get that page up hours ago. Funny, I ever gave that any thought until I made the first (supposed) text link, checked the page and there it was - a link alright! lol...then I first thought "DUH!"<br />
I"m not even blond as I've said before....<!--content-->