Please help me resolve a screen size issue


Hiya team, <br />
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I am having major problems with a webpage I am making from a friends company. I have designed it all on 1024x768. It seems to be working fine. <br />
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However I then changed resolution to 800x600 and it screwed up. Man... all that hard work down the drain! <br />
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The thing is I *know* that one of the tables can be modified so that it fits into an 800x600 set up. <br />
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The questions I have is how? I have scratched my head on this for over 4 hours and I am at my wits end... <br />
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Here is the link, please don't laugh at my crappy page, but help if you can! <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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Cheers, <br />
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veedee<!--content-->Hi veedee<br />
Welcome to the forums.Instead of using pixels for tables use % (percentage).I guess that should do the trick.<!--content-->Thanks for the welcome. I thought about using % for the tables. However I do not know where to use the % value, I guess this is what I need help with, actually finding that bit of code.<br />
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Thanks for your help!<br />
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veedee<!--content-->Hi veedee!<br />
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As fredericknish said you can set the table/cell widths in percentages instead of pixels. So instead of using <table width="750"> you would use <table width="90%">, or instead of <td width="30"> use <td width="25%">. That would have the effect of stretching the page in higher resolutions and shrinking it in lower resolutions. However, this can mess up your page if it is hasn't been designed to account for this.<br />
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Another way to do it is to stick to using pixels for your table/cell widths and just make them smaller. Design the page so it looks good in 800x600 and then it should look the same in higher resolutions but with more empty space around it.<br />
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And by the way, there is nothing on your page to laugh about, it's great! ;)<!--content-->veedee,<br />
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I checked out your page. Looks great mate, however.... since your working on making the site more 'resolution' friendly-I thought I'd put my two cents in. <br />
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Designing for both 800x600 and 1024x768 is a reality we all have to face. I'd love to just go towards 1024... but there are still more 800x600 users out there. Oh, well... maybe next year. <br />
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Another note, MSHTML isn't really doing a stand up job of coding for netscape 4.x or Netscape6. Since your site seems somewhat commercial... you might want to Download <!--more--> a copy of (either/ both... they are different) and check it out. Its not so hard to get things working across the board... just takes some time and patience. And the foums. :D <br />
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Good luck!<!--content-->Thanks for all your help. Thanks for the compliments too, although I don't really deserve them :o <br />
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I will Download <!--more--> a copy of Netscape now and see what it looks like in that. Although first I will have a double vodka, to ease the impact :D <br />
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I am off to go look at some inspirationsal sites and try and get a PHP mailing list working :rolleyes: <br />
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Cheers,<br />
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