Please help me put a scroll in a table


Hello,<br />
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I have seen on a web template that it is possible to have a scroll inside of a table, like one of the colums, but when i tried to look at the source it was too complicated for me to see which part belonged to the scroll.<br />
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Could you please tell me the HTML for it and if it is possible to do it in Dreamweaver 4.<br />
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I am using a simple table of 2 rows and 2 colums and need the scroll in the right bottom square.<br />
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THANK YOU!<!--content-->i think that would be<br />
<td style="overflow-y:auto;"><!--content-->that did not work :(<br />
thanks<!--content-->that is because you can't overflow a cell or a table.<br />
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<td><div style="overflow:auto;">text here</div></td><!--content-->