please help me on a css question


Here's a question I need help on. <br />
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If someone wants to convert their pages to CSS, does that mean anything other than the overall theme in a seperate, linked, .css file? <br />
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I'd appreciate an answer if anyone has time, so that I know if I'm on the same page with this other individual, because the term "convert" kinda throws me.<br />
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????<br />
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Thanks!!<!--content-->I think all you have to do is change the file type.<!--content-->css is like an "add-on" feature.<br />
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all of your page keep the same extension they have already. html, htm, php, whatever.<br />
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generally, many people use an external css page to hold the common or main css values that will carry over all of the pages. you then put a link from the webpage to the css page to have it gather those css properties.<br />
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in each individual webpage, there may be some specific css you want to apply. no problem, you can add them into the head section of the coding or directly into the tags themselves.<!--content-->You delete all the tags like <font> and <b> and <i> and <u> and so on from your HTML pages.<br />
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You put all the formatting code in a .css file and call it from the HTML pages.<br />
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To change the style of every page of your site you just change a line in the CSS file rather than hundreds of <font> tags in every single HTML page.<br />
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It makes the HTML pages smaller, and easier to manage.<br />
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You should export the CSS to an external file and call it with instructions in the <head> section of the HTML file. Most people use this one, but it can cause problems:<br />
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<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" src="/path/file.css"><br />
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It is better to use this slightly longer version of this, again placed in the <head> section of the HTML file:<br />
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"><br />
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<style type="text/css"><br />
@import url(path/file.css);<br />
</style><br />
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This version hides the CSS from older versions of Netscape that cannot handle CSS. This stops those versions from displaying a corrupted page with overlapping elements.<!--content-->