please help me, im having wave file dilemmas!


Hiya ppl,<br />
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Please can u help me, if u could print any HTML/JavaScript/DHTML code that lets my guests turn wave sounds on and off by clicking an image/text (that preferably changes when clicked. Please help me, I can't find ANYTHING!!!<br />
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Thank u :rocker:<!--content-->It's not really somthing I would add normally to any site I do but can I suggest you try out this great site for scripts. Infact I'm sure you will find somthing to your liking at this site perhaps even more...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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They have scripts for just about all the most pop languages and markups. Hope you find something there, if not let me know and I will search the site for you. Me being as altruistic as ever... Awwwww. ;)<!--content-->didn't look very hard as there is one right here on the BR network.<br />
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try searching <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> as I am having internet problems :P<!--content-->