Please, help me fix the permissions(CHMOD)


New Member
hey guys...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
i just uploaded the vB 3.7.4 PL1 but I think I messed it up with cP forum permissions.
what i did... i highlighted all folders under /public_html/forum and changed the permissions to 755 together with the subdirectories(APPLY TO ALL FILES AND DIRECTORIES option). which i think is wrong. my bad :(
i only know that the cgi-bin should be 755 and .htaccess should be 644 but what sholud i place for the rest of the folders? also the folder "forum" what permissions should have?
thank you so much in advance to all of you.
good thinking... the only thing you might have to change is a tmp file if its not writable but that isn't really part of the vBulletin configuration, for example, if you couldn't upload images or avatars in vBulletin.