Please help, if you can.

I am creating a *prettier* design for my website, because up until now, it has used a straight forward design, but I think that part of building a website is making it attractive to the eye. So, I have made some graphics, and introduced frames into the design. I hate frames, and under normal circumstances, I consider them to be a huge pain in the butt, but after careful consideration, I have decided that it will be of benefit to use them considering that nature of the site. <br />
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I am opening many, many sub directories which will be called channels, and I have two dropdown menus at the top. One called a "Network Portal", and one called a "Channel Portal". The Network portal, is to be able to jump from channel to channel (or directory to directory), and the Channel Portal is to jump from page to page, within the directories (or sections of the channel). However, this leads me to a problem...<br />
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I have a script in the head which tells the dropdown menu to open in a selected frame. This is cool, and quite easily done, but I also have one other menu located in the same frame... ie: Both menus are in the top frame, and I want that 'other' menu to open channel sections on "_top" NOT in a selected frame. So, does anyone know how I can do this? ie: to have two dropdown menus in one frame, and have one menu opening pages in a frame, and the other menu opening them on "_top".<br />
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If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it very much. If you would like to see what I mean, take a look and try the dropdown menus. You will see that the Network portal is opening the "Home" link in the main frame, and I do not want this: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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This is not linked to the site, but as soon as I figure out this problem, I will direct the .htaccess to it, and it will become the main page of my website, which is much better than the current one.<br />
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While I am here, I have one other question: Does anyone know a script where I can put the word "Back" or an image with the word "Back" on a page, and it will work in an identical way that the "Back" feature does on the browser? ie: So that I don't have to specify which bage it goes back to. It will just go back to wherever the surfer came from. the previous page.<br />
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If you can help with these things, thankyou very much. As soon as I sort out these two problems, it wont be long before It is set up as the main URL! <br />
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I have put an ad in my newspaper, in Melbourne, Australia - hoping to attract some local people from around here to join in at the site, so I am in a bit of a hurry to get it ready. Usually, I just figure stuff out for myself, but in this case, I don't have much time.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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MrLeN<!--content-->both jump menus use the same script to target the new pages. Just copy&paste the entire jump() function, and rename it jump2(). Then look for the line that says target="main" and in JUMP2() change it to read target="_top". Finally onChange of the select box which you want to open in the top, change the onChange="jump(this.form)" to read onChange="jump2(this.form)".<br />
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Just for a notr, the _top will replace the frameset with the new document. For a totally new window, use _blank.<br />
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as for the back button?<br />
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<a href="#" onClick="javasctipt: history.go(-1)">Back</a><br />
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or sub in a image instead of text (use border=0)<!--content-->