Please help! A simple Microsoft Word HTML Question!


I have build my homepage using Microsoft Word. When I uploaded the page, all the pictures come out very slow. It is blank for a long time (10sec), and starts coming out.. Is there a way for them to come out quicker? <br />
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Also, I once edited these pages using Netscape Web Editor and saved. When I uploaded this edited page, the quality of pictures are substantially worse. When this was opened in IE, all the formats were screwed up. <br />
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Please help me!!<!--content-->For the load time of the images themselves, you should be consulting a good image editor. Your images should be in GIF or JPG format. If you are using BMP, then that is a very large Download <!--more-->.<br />
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As for editors, I would highly suggest not using Word. For reasons too numerous to list, it is horrible at creating a good usable web page on all degrees. Netscape Composer and Microsoft FrontpageExpress are not so great either.<br />
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I know it's a big step for some people, but try to take some time to learn a bit of HTML coding and use a regular text editor (such like Notepad) to create web pages. You will probably be much more satisfied with the results.<br />
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With the image-bad-viewing part... it may be due to how the image files were uploaded to your internet space too. Factors such as your connection stability or the "mode" used for transfer can be factors. Files can be corrupted during transfer thus creating a broken image. Try uploading the images again, view your page again, REFRESH it, and see if any better results appear.<br />
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Cheers!<!--content-->1. Optimize your images and make them in a .jpg (photos) or .gif (small graphics/animations). Find a good image editor program that optimizes images at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Download">www.Download</a><!-- w --> <!--more-->.com or <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> <br />
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2. Use a better HTML editor. Go to the sites above to find a free editor. <br />
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3. Try to learn HTML, if you don't know how. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> is a very good place.<!--content-->A good place to optimize your images greatly is<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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good luck with your site<!--content-->