Actually i am using play1.2.2 i am trying to learn netlogo spatial modeling. the application actually already served on githup . Honestly I have "brain disabilities" to understand this complicated script, without your help I couldn't be better. If you have times, perhaps you can look at the provided link, and I believed that all of you have capabilities to understand what to do with it. so perhaps you can drive me how to make the application far I can fixed all error that came up with the downloaded package, then I get stack with the result which is only displayed a text code that I couldn't understand :below is the succeeded info file executed model :\[code\]'Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000''08:44:24,755 INFO ~ Starting C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial''08:44:24,761 INFO ~ Module scala is available (C:\usr\share\playframework\modul''es\scala-0.9.1)''08:44:27,045 INFO ~ Scala support is active''08:44:27,045 WARN ~ You're running Play! in DEV mode''08:44:27,164 INFO ~ Listening for HTTP on port 9000 (Waiting a first request to'' start) ...''Compiling:''C:\play122\modules\docviewer\app\controllers\''C:\play122\modules\docviewer\app\helpers\''C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\util\NetLogoLauncher.scala''C:\play122\modules\docviewer\app\''C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\models\NetLogoModel.scala''C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\controllers\Application.scala''C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\util\NetLogoStatus.scala''C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\util\NetLogoManager.scala''Traversing C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\controllers\Application.scala''Traversing C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\models\NetLogoModel.scala''Traversing C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\util\NetLogoLauncher.scala''Traversing C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\util\NetLogoManager.scala''Traversing C:\play122\playFrameworkspasial\app\util\NetLogoStatus.scala''API phase took : 0.234 s''08:45:04,290 INFO ~ Application 'Regional Development Planning 2011' is now sta''rted !''Preparing_NetLogo_model''BUILD SUCCESSFUL''Total time: 6 seconds''DONE:test:Simulation_Successful'\[/code\]Then the aspx page will show in browser. The page will let us to chose some variable which is needed for netlogo to calculate the changes area on raster map. after that execute by pressing the result button.And this is the result came with :'"run_JsonpCallback({"activity":{"id":"1", "sessionID":"test"}})" 'Anybody can tell me what exactly happen? where is the map that supposed showed in browser?arrrrghhh.....I hate being a student !