Placing a scroll-able include into a cell?


Does somebody know if it is possible to make you include page scroll inside a table cell. I have a table on my main page which I want to keep at 100%. That means if a include into one of its cells gets to big, it must get a scroll bar next to it, to keep my page from going over 100%<br />
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Is this possible?<!--content-->I don't think you can have a exclusive td in a table. You could use a layer, or a iframe to accomplish this. What kind of a page are you working on?<!--content-->Its not an include td, just the content of another page being drawn into the cell. I have a front page with a table with four rows. The top and bottom cells are for the navigation. They should always be on top en bottom, thats why the table is always 100%.<br />
The includes into the other two cells is for new products from different categories. If they become to many, I need these includes to scroll and not force the cell to go more than 100%, otherwise the bottom navigation gets pushed down.<br />
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Will it make a difference if it was outside a table?<br />
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I solved it with frames, but I don't want to use frames otherwise I get the Netscape problem again. You can look at the frame version if you want.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->as I said before, a layer will work as well. Tables probably aren't what you need here.<!--content-->Thanks. I will have a look and let you know how it turns out.<!--content-->