Place ListItem.Text over RadioButtonList ListItem Circle


New Member
I am using a radio button because it makes binding the items and controlling dynamic events very easy.My problem is hiding the RadioButtonList ListItem "circles" that are to the left or right of the ListItem.Text.I set each ListItem.Text property to be an HTML \[code\]<img>.\[/code\]I would like the RadioButtonList to display just the ListItem.Text property in the RadioButtonList list, without the radio-button circle beside it. After some research, I realize I do not think it is possible to hide the radio-button's ListItem circle's, without hiding the entire radio button list.So my second option, would be to place the ListItem.Text on-top of the RadioButtonList ListItem "circles" via CSS. Here is what I have tried to far, but I'm afraid my CSS skills are slack :(\[code\]noPizzaMod.Text = "<img src="image.png \" />";noPizzaMod.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("float", "left");noPizzaMod.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("padding","0 1em");noPizzaMod.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("text-align", "center");rdo_pizzamods.Items.Add(noPizzaMod);\[/code\]Results: Just added padding to the left of the radio-button ListItem Circle.Again, the task at hand is to float the ListItem.Text (the picture element) on-top of the RadioButtonList ListItem "circle"Thank you for your time!