New Member
I got a nice script from this blog. this is really problem to me because my site is php site, so i didnt got listed fast everytime i posted content. it doesnt have ping service that run everytime u post content like wordpress. this script is really helpfull. put it on loading after post content page.
source : http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/3329
PHP Code: \[code\]<?php
// Please, edit these variables to your needs
$blogTitle="Title Of your blog";
$showDebugInfo=FALSE; // Do you want verbose output?
// Stop editing here
// PingRPC.php
// 2007 by Sascha Tayefeh
// http://www.tayefeh.de
// This is a PHP5-based XML-RPC ping script. It reads a one-column
// fully qualified URL-list from a file ($pingListFile). Here is
// an example how this file must look like:
// ----------------------
// http://rpc.icerocket.com:10080/
// http://rpc.pingomatic.com/
// http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping
// http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2
// ----------------------
$userAgent="pingrpc.php by tayefeh";
// Read pinglist file. Must contain one fully qualified URL
// (e.g: http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping) PER LINE (->
// delimiter is an ASCII-linebreak)
while ( ! feof( $fp) )
$line = trim(fgets( $fp, 4096));
// get the hostname
$host=$line; // Make a copy of $line
$host=preg_replace('/^.*http:\/\//','',$host); // Delete anything before http://
$host=preg_replace('/\/.*$/','',$host); // Delete anything after behind the hostname
// get the path
$path=$line; // Make another copy of $line
$path=preg_replace('/^.*http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]*\.[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\//','',$path,-1,$replacementCount); // Delete anything before the path
if(!$replacementCount) $path=''; // if there was no replacement (i.e. no explicit path), act appropiately
if($host) $myList[$host]=$path;
echo "<h1>Ping process started</h1>";
echo "<p>Reading URLs from file $pingListFile: ";
echo count($myList)." urls read.</p>";
// Use DOM to create the XML-File
$xml= new DOMDocument('1.0');
// Create the xml structure
// Set the node values
$xmlrpcReq = $xml->saveXML(); // Write the document into a string
$xmlrpcLength = strlen( $xmlrpcReq ); // Get the string length.
echo "Here's the xml-message I generated (size: $xmlrpcLength bytes):";
echo "\n<pre>\n";
echo htmlentities($xmlrpcReq);
echo "</pre>";
echo "<dl>";
// Proceed every link read from file
foreach ( $myList as $host => $path)
if($showDebugInfo) echo "<hr/>";
echo "<dt><strong>Pinging host: $host </strong>";
$httpReq = "POST /" . $path . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$httpReq .= "User-Agent: " . $userAgent. "\r\n";
$httpReq .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n";
$httpReq .= "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n";
$httpReq .= "Content-length: $xmlrpcLength\r\n\r\n";
$httpReq .= "$xmlrpcReq\r\n";
echo "</dt>";
echo "<dd><strong>Request:</strong><pre><span style=\"color: #cc9900\">".htmlentities($httpReq)."</span></pre>";
echo "<strong>Answer</strong>:<span style=\"color: #99cc00\"><pre>";
// Actually, send ping
if ( $pinghandle = @fsockopen( $host, 80 ) )
@fputs( $pinghandle, $httpReq );
while ( ! feof( $pinghandle ) )
$pingresponse = @fgets( $pinghandle, 128 );
if($showDebugInfo) echo htmlentities($pingresponse);
@fclose( $pinghandle );
if($showDebugInfo) echo "</span></pre></dd>";
echo "</dl>";
echo "<p>FINISHED</p>";
?>\[/code\] and this is the rpc ping site list 2010 :
hope it helpful
source : http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/3329
PHP Code: \[code\]<?php
// Please, edit these variables to your needs
$blogTitle="Title Of your blog";
$showDebugInfo=FALSE; // Do you want verbose output?
// Stop editing here
// PingRPC.php
// 2007 by Sascha Tayefeh
// http://www.tayefeh.de
// This is a PHP5-based XML-RPC ping script. It reads a one-column
// fully qualified URL-list from a file ($pingListFile). Here is
// an example how this file must look like:
// ----------------------
// http://rpc.icerocket.com:10080/
// http://rpc.pingomatic.com/
// http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping
// http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2
// ----------------------
$userAgent="pingrpc.php by tayefeh";
// Read pinglist file. Must contain one fully qualified URL
// (e.g: http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping) PER LINE (->
// delimiter is an ASCII-linebreak)
while ( ! feof( $fp) )
$line = trim(fgets( $fp, 4096));
// get the hostname
$host=$line; // Make a copy of $line
$host=preg_replace('/^.*http:\/\//','',$host); // Delete anything before http://
$host=preg_replace('/\/.*$/','',$host); // Delete anything after behind the hostname
// get the path
$path=$line; // Make another copy of $line
$path=preg_replace('/^.*http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]*\.[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\//','',$path,-1,$replacementCount); // Delete anything before the path
if(!$replacementCount) $path=''; // if there was no replacement (i.e. no explicit path), act appropiately
if($host) $myList[$host]=$path;
echo "<h1>Ping process started</h1>";
echo "<p>Reading URLs from file $pingListFile: ";
echo count($myList)." urls read.</p>";
// Use DOM to create the XML-File
$xml= new DOMDocument('1.0');
// Create the xml structure
// Set the node values
$xmlrpcReq = $xml->saveXML(); // Write the document into a string
$xmlrpcLength = strlen( $xmlrpcReq ); // Get the string length.
echo "Here's the xml-message I generated (size: $xmlrpcLength bytes):";
echo "\n<pre>\n";
echo htmlentities($xmlrpcReq);
echo "</pre>";
echo "<dl>";
// Proceed every link read from file
foreach ( $myList as $host => $path)
if($showDebugInfo) echo "<hr/>";
echo "<dt><strong>Pinging host: $host </strong>";
$httpReq = "POST /" . $path . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$httpReq .= "User-Agent: " . $userAgent. "\r\n";
$httpReq .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n";
$httpReq .= "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n";
$httpReq .= "Content-length: $xmlrpcLength\r\n\r\n";
$httpReq .= "$xmlrpcReq\r\n";
echo "</dt>";
echo "<dd><strong>Request:</strong><pre><span style=\"color: #cc9900\">".htmlentities($httpReq)."</span></pre>";
echo "<strong>Answer</strong>:<span style=\"color: #99cc00\"><pre>";
// Actually, send ping
if ( $pinghandle = @fsockopen( $host, 80 ) )
@fputs( $pinghandle, $httpReq );
while ( ! feof( $pinghandle ) )
$pingresponse = @fgets( $pinghandle, 128 );
if($showDebugInfo) echo htmlentities($pingresponse);
@fclose( $pinghandle );
if($showDebugInfo) echo "</span></pre></dd>";
echo "</dl>";
echo "<p>FINISHED</p>";
?>\[/code\] and this is the rpc ping site list 2010 :
hope it helpful