Recently discovered Pinerest and really enjoy it.
Thought about putting up some pics from my site and things related to my future blog.
Think I have some ideas that will be good just for sharing on the board.
But, I am wondering do the links from that site benefit SEO in any way.
Anyone have experience? Thoughts etc. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
Have a blessed day!
Lana Look here. The snake discovered this also:
You may want to read the article. Interesting article. Think I will put it in my plans to work with Pinerest as part of my promotional plan. I think rather than promoting products i will promote image and certain divisions of Ladybug Blessings
Thanks for sharing! I have found this site just before few day ago. I wanted some more insight on this that how one can use it or is it really beneficial as SEO purpose.
I would like to read this article for getting the proper insight about this particular site. I am still not sure if the links are SEO beneficial. Would love to hear some of the SEO expert folks chime in.
I don't think there would be any SEO value to the posting on the board...but the posting on the board takes one to another larger picture and there is almost always a link to a site or a blog.. that is the page that I think might have SEO value.
May try to Google Pinerest and SEO and see what some folks thought are.
On that page with a larger pic and a link there is a way to see if the link is a regular link or a no follow link. If it is a no follow, I am sure it does not have SEO value.
I still think I could make Pinerest work for as a place where some folks could discover some of our products and services especially our fundraisers.
Sooooo much to learn SOOO little time never heard of that one, sounds interesting i will definitely consider it.. Visited the site in FF w/ NoScript running. Epic fail! Nothing on the home page which means that if a person has scripting turned off they ain't going to see the content on the page. You wouldn't believe the number of scripts running when I told NoScript to temporarily allow. One page had 250+ !
SearchStatus did not hightlight a lot of the links as nofollow. Mostly the links within people's comments.
Looking through the source code, highlighting nofollow, only found 1 instance in a link to Google stats on the page referenced below.
It looks like a link farm! No content. Here is Google's cache of a page text only version
That being said, it would be a form of social proof each time one of your items gets pinned, much like having your tweets retweeted.
I put my name in for an invite the other day but have not heard back yet.
Thought about putting up some pics from my site and things related to my future blog.
Think I have some ideas that will be good just for sharing on the board.
But, I am wondering do the links from that site benefit SEO in any way.
Anyone have experience? Thoughts etc. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
Have a blessed day!
Lana Look here. The snake discovered this also:
You may want to read the article. Interesting article. Think I will put it in my plans to work with Pinerest as part of my promotional plan. I think rather than promoting products i will promote image and certain divisions of Ladybug Blessings
Thanks for sharing! I have found this site just before few day ago. I wanted some more insight on this that how one can use it or is it really beneficial as SEO purpose.
I would like to read this article for getting the proper insight about this particular site. I am still not sure if the links are SEO beneficial. Would love to hear some of the SEO expert folks chime in.
I don't think there would be any SEO value to the posting on the board...but the posting on the board takes one to another larger picture and there is almost always a link to a site or a blog.. that is the page that I think might have SEO value.
May try to Google Pinerest and SEO and see what some folks thought are.
On that page with a larger pic and a link there is a way to see if the link is a regular link or a no follow link. If it is a no follow, I am sure it does not have SEO value.
I still think I could make Pinerest work for as a place where some folks could discover some of our products and services especially our fundraisers.
Sooooo much to learn SOOO little time never heard of that one, sounds interesting i will definitely consider it.. Visited the site in FF w/ NoScript running. Epic fail! Nothing on the home page which means that if a person has scripting turned off they ain't going to see the content on the page. You wouldn't believe the number of scripts running when I told NoScript to temporarily allow. One page had 250+ !
SearchStatus did not hightlight a lot of the links as nofollow. Mostly the links within people's comments.
Looking through the source code, highlighting nofollow, only found 1 instance in a link to Google stats on the page referenced below.
It looks like a link farm! No content. Here is Google's cache of a page text only version
That being said, it would be a form of social proof each time one of your items gets pinned, much like having your tweets retweeted.
I put my name in for an invite the other day but have not heard back yet.