Pictures and gifs


:( I am a silver surfer who is trying my best to learn how to compose a Web page. I am trying to put three gifs inline across the front of my page but i fail everytime. They appear staggered. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks all. Leaklander<!--content-->Originally posted by Leaklander <br />
:( I am trying to put three gifs inline across the front of my page but i fail everytime. They appear staggered. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks all. Leaklander <br />
Try this and insert your image code.<br />
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" <br />
bgcolor="#ffffff" bordercolor="#ff0080"><br />
<tr><br />
<td align="center"valign="top"><br />
image 1<br />
</td><br />
<td align="center"valign="top"><br />
image 2<br />
</td><br />
<td align="center"valign="top"><br />
image 3<br />
</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><!--content-->Originally posted by Leaklander <br />
I am trying to put three gifs inline across the front of my page but i fail everytime. <br />
<br />
a simple <br />
<img src="img1.png"> <img src="img2.png"> <img src="img3.png"><br />
<br />
should do what you want. If it doesn't there is something else wrong on your page in which case you should follow daves advice and post a link to your page so we can help you further.<!--content-->Originally posted by Leaklander <br />
I am trying to put three gifs inline across the front of my page but i fail everytime. <br />
<br />
a simple <br />
<img src="img1.png"> <img src="img2.png"> <img src="img3.png"> <br />
That is the simplest way. I thought the sizes of the images, or something else, as was suggested, might have created a problem. Which is the reason I have given the table method. We don't know since the page has not been shown.<!--content-->