Picture this


Is there any way of uploading a picture from your hard drive. To a web page with out using something like geocities or another thing with an upload facility. <br />
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Because i don't want to waste time trying to host them all to get the code just to host them to another page.<br />
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I want to upload from hard drive straght to the page i want using html.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->not possible. you will have to use what the provider tells you to use or you can use a FTP program like WS_FTP. but then if you use a program like that you will have to be paying for the domain. Geocities won't let you upload with an FTP program. html, by itself, is week and can't allow this.<!--content-->true - but you can get around that by setting up a web server on your own computer... might not be very permanant but it depends on what your end results are.<br />
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Something quick and easy is this, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.analogx.com/contents/Download">http://www.analogx.com/contents/Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->/network/sswww.htm<!--content-->that doesn't solve anyhting. you still are presented the same problem. then he wouldn't beable to view it on the correct page. plus most servers that you supply on your own computer, if not setup correctly (for testing purposes), will not go outside to the internet.<!--content-->that is the program I used to host things like avatars and such for forums and other places - the link I gave is a program which you specify a folder, and hit run and it uses your IP address for the host. When linking up a picture, you would just use your IP and the corresponding directory structure. <br />
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I guess all this is irrelevant because we do not know anything about his situation...<br />
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you also have to take into account that most cable internet providers are blocking port 80 for some reason... and unfortunatly that program does not allow you to specify a port.. I dont think... oh well<!--content-->