Picture problem


I'm having trouble with putting pictures on my website. The site is set up so that I can post daily updates, each in their own little box. To see it in action, I've set up a test page here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www2.kettering.edu/~good3001/test.html">http://www2.kettering.edu/~good3001/test.html</a><!-- m -->). This also shows the problem I'm having with pictures. I want to post a picture in an update, but the picture bleeds out of the containing box and into others. <br />
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The page is XML compliant. I use CSS for layout and it validates. The CSS can be found here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www2.kettering.edu/~good3001/core_style.txt">http://www2.kettering.edu/~good3001/core_style.txt</a><!-- m -->) in text form. I am having this trouble in IE6 and Mozilla 1.1<br />
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If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this and stay compliant, I would appreciate it.<br />
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Doog Xela<!--content-->yes yes yes. xml compliant, though I see absolutely no need to even go there. You could just put your stuff in tables and be just as happy. <br />
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To fix your problem, just put your image into a div just like the rest of the content. Right now, its not in any kind of container, thus just plopped on the page.<!--content-->that is because you are using layers and they can't accomodate the size of the image. you have to use tables instead or make the div tag a dynamic height. not sure how you are doing it as I didn't look at your css.<!--content-->I forgot that I had put the linediv.post img { float: left }<br />
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in my css file. So that was my problem. As to why I'm using XML and not the retarded use of tables, try here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alistapart.com/stories/tohell/">http://www.alistapart.com/stories/tohell/</a><!-- m -->), here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.macslash.org/articles/01/03/07/079238.shtml">http://www.macslash.org/articles/01/03/07/079238.shtml</a><!-- m -->), and/or here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://webstandards.org/about/">http://webstandards.org/about/</a><!-- m -->) for an idea of why website designers and developers should move to web standards. If you would like a more prosaic response, I can tell you that using tables instead of CSS makes maintenance of the site much, much more annoying, difficult, and time consuming. Since I use CSS exclusively, I can change the entire layout of the site simply by changing the CSS file. I don't have to go to each and every page and make massive changes in the structure of clunky tables.<br />
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Doog Xela<!--content-->well I totally agree with you on the tabel issue, but some browsers don't take css to the standards. you might find that your site doesn't look like you inteneded in some of them, that is the only reason I said that.<!--content-->