Pics not showing up(not wat u think)read plz


Hello all<br />
I have been usin html for quite awhile now, so im not, um, as for my website, im using two servers( sort of)(both free), 1 of them offers to hold the html (and supports forums and other stuff) for pages etc. but does not upload any files at all, which is why i have a second host for my images, the thing is, sometimes my images dont show up on my page. is there anyway i can like guarantee they will load and not have an X on them? heres the site-- <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
thx alot<!--content-->If they're free hosts they probably don't allow direct linking to the images. You'd have to go with a host that would allow you to upload them to that server.<!--content-->that is correct. some host don't like hotlinking. it cost to much money as it uses a lot of bandwidth.<!--content-->A host that doesn't allow you to upload your own pics? Doesn't sounds like any good host.<!--content-->>> A host that doesn't allow you to upload your own pics? Doesn't sounds like any good host. <<<br />
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Umm, that isn't what was said. Read it again.<br />
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Imagine this. Geocities give you free space, but you have to have their popup adverts on your pages. They add the popup code to the end of your HTML code every time they serve your page.<br />
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You decide to avoid that by putting your HTML code on some other host, put only the images on Geocities, and call the images up on your other site by hotlinking to them. So your images are served for free, using Geocities computers, and Geocities bandwidth, but Geocities could not serve their adverts, because your HTML is somewhere else.<br />
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Sounds great, yeah? Umm, no. Geocities aren't getting any revenue if they can't show adverts, and you are abusing their service, So they do not allow hotlinking. If you link to images on one site, from another site, then it does not work.<br />
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The same thing occurs on many freehosts.<!--content-->