PHP's ability to handle recursion


New Member
I've seen in a few places lately people saying that PHP has a poor capacity for recursion. Recently I wrote a recursive php function for graph traversal and found it to be very slow compared to java. I don't know whether this is because of php's capacity for recursion or because php is slower than java in general.Some googling revealed this (\[quote\] [7 Aug 1999 12:25pm UTC] zeev at cvs dot php dot net PHP 4.0 (Zend) uses the stack for intensive data, rather than using the heap. That means that its tolerance recursive functions is significantly lower than that of other languages. It's relatively easy to tell Zend not to use the stack for this data, and use the heap instead - which would greatly increase the number of recursive functions possible - in the price of reduced speed. If you're interested in such a setting, let me know, we may add a compile-time switch.\[/quote\]What does it mean to say that php uses the stack for intensive data? Does php not set up a run-time stack? Also, is it true in general that recursion in php is much slower than other languages? And by how much?Thanks!