Ok, one error at the time...
var $page isn't defined... I think this var is pointed at the name of the page "add.php'
please I'm new into php...
Is it something like???:
Var $page == page_name();
Warning: Undefined variable: page in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\phptest\phprank\add.php on line 18
include "inc.php";
echo "<html><head><title>$sitetitle - Add Your Site!</title></head><body bgcolor=$bgcolor text=$fontcolor link=$link vlink=$vlink alink=$alink><center><font size=$titlesize face=$fontface color=$titlecolor>$sitetitle</font></center>";
if ($page == "add") {
if (!$spass) {
echo "<font size=$fontsize face=$fontface>Go back cause you need to enter a password!</font></body></html>";
} else if (!$name) {
var $page isn't defined... I think this var is pointed at the name of the page "add.php'
please I'm new into php...
Is it something like???:
Var $page == page_name();
Warning: Undefined variable: page in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\phptest\phprank\add.php on line 18
include "inc.php";
echo "<html><head><title>$sitetitle - Add Your Site!</title></head><body bgcolor=$bgcolor text=$fontcolor link=$link vlink=$vlink alink=$alink><center><font size=$titlesize face=$fontface color=$titlecolor>$sitetitle</font></center>";
if ($page == "add") {
if (!$spass) {
echo "<font size=$fontsize face=$fontface>Go back cause you need to enter a password!</font></body></html>";
} else if (!$name) {