We had an error on phpinfo() giving the wrong Client API Version.
Config :
Solaris 2.6
Apache 1.3.19
MySQL 3.23.38
PHP 4.0.5
Client API Version was 3.22.27, previous installed release of MySQL on our Sun box...
We had the MySQL Authentication Module staticaly compiled with the old release of MySQL. PHP was confused by Apache and this module...
We only had to rebuild MySQL Auth Module using the dynamic library libmysqlclient.so to make it work fine.
Config :
Solaris 2.6
Apache 1.3.19
MySQL 3.23.38
PHP 4.0.5
Client API Version was 3.22.27, previous installed release of MySQL on our Sun box...
We had the MySQL Authentication Module staticaly compiled with the old release of MySQL. PHP was confused by Apache and this module...
We only had to rebuild MySQL Auth Module using the dynamic library libmysqlclient.so to make it work fine.