phpgoogle ok?


New Member
Anyone know if its in violation of any google copyright or trademark or license or whatever laws to use phpGoogle?http://www.phpgoogle.comThanksNo, they're just providing software to allow people to put searches on their own site using Google's database - which Google allows you to do. That's why they send out API keys, for exactly this sort of thing.Its strange because i use a google search script on my site using the google API.It specificaly says the results are from google but when i applied to have google ads on my site they said i couldnt because i had the google search and it infringed copyright. I dont see how when its a google search im doing using the script.Even though the search IS a google search im not allowed to call it a google search.They said if i took it down they would let me run google ads.I told them to poke thier adverts, im not changing the name.I'd be leary of using Google in a domain name in any manner - case in point: it skinda like my site search and I do use googles API key.