

This is my admin panel my categories and boards are there, but when I go to my forum, all but one is missing. What's up with that?<br /><br />Also, I set up no posting by guests. Posters must be validated by email and put the security box (that code thing) on medium. This is suppose to keep out the computer spammers? Is there anything else I can do? I haven't attached it to my site yet. I want to work out the bugs first. Thanks.<!--content-->
Sorry, I know nothing about your categories unless they are not set to visible (active).<br /><br />No posting by guests and an image to post is about as good as you can do.<!--content-->
I figured it out quite by accident! I turned guest off thinking I was keeping them from posting, but I was just keeping guests from viewing. Got it fixed. Thanks anyway...<!--content-->