

Wondering if anybody here uses this script, and if so, wouldn't mind to help me out a little bit with some of the more advanced features (sending of invoices, running cron jobs, etc)....<br /><br />Thanks! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":group:" border="0" alt="group.gif" /><!--content-->
Sorry, I don't use it but perhaps someelse does and can help you. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
I installed it once just to see what it could do, but could never get past the setup page, it displayed a blank page so I gave up on it.<!--content-->
LOL well for those of you curious, I'm redesigning my current site -- <a href="" target="_blank"></a> .... to a phpcoin install. I've got the "look" done -- <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ... but I'd love it for someone here (so they have knowledge of tch servers) might be able to help me "setup" the clients and invoicing stuff. I'm a moron when it comes to that.<!--content-->
Maybe if you compile a list of things you need that are generic (nothing specific to your account) then we could answer the parts we know and maybe you could even make a tutorial out of it.<br /><br />It sounds like you have a lot of questions in the setup like "Where is your perl program" or "Where is your email program" and those we can maybe answer even without knowing about phpcoin.<!--content-->