phpBB problems


Hello,<br /><br />I have been running phpBB flawless on server 5 for ages. This morning i am confronted with header and footer errors due to the database not being able to save ok.<br /><br />Now is this a phpBB error that has manifested itself or is the server having a tantrum?<br /><br />Jimuni<!--content-->
Jim, if you think there is a problem with the server open a help desk ticket. The techs don't frequent the forums and the mods don't have access to the servers or your account.<br /><br />Have you tried rebuilding the database?<!--content-->
Jim, I suggest you open a help desk ticket. That's probably something wrong with the database files.<br /><br />You can also try to go into phpMyAdmin and run a check on phpBB's tables.<!--content-->