phpbb + mysql + php5 + char encoding issue


This problem has to do both with phpbb, php5, mysql and encoding issues, so i really dont know where to post! Please feel free to move it to the apporpiate categorie.

I just installed a test board (phpbb 2.0.18), configured it properly and it works ok exept one thing:

A number of posts in my board have greek language.
The problem:

If there exist greek letters inside the code/quote tag, or Before it, then the tag doesn't work, it shows as plain text.

If greek letters exist only after the tag, or there are not in that post, then the code works fine!

Some more info i could find using phpmyadmin:
from phpbb_posts table

post_id bbcode_uid post_subject post_text
2 313efd319f τεστ
6 1e0d315461 τεστ
10 f5b924879e [quote:f5b924879e]test[/quote:f5b924879e]
12 20a0dc00ce [quote:20a0dc00ce]test[/quote:20a0dc00ce]τεστ

in post_id 2 there is a post with greek characters
in post_id 6 there is a quote with greek text in it -->shows as plain text
in post_id 10 there is a quote with english text in it -->quote works ok
in post_id 12 there is a quote with english text in it, and some greek text following it --> quote works ok, greek text shows ok in forum

some more info:

i use $lang['ENCODING'] = 'iso-8859-7'; in lang_main.php
i use mysql 4.1.15
i use PHP5.0.5 (recently my host resently updated from php4xx)
my database has collation greek_general_ci as do all the tables

What is going on? please help!

I suspect this has either to do with php5 or with the collation thing that i dont really understand.

One solution i have found is to have the database and all the tables' collation set to latin1_swedish (!). If i do that, everyting works properly with the quotes, the show of greek letters in forums etc.
BUT the greek characters inside the database are stored in a weird style i dont understand, so they cannot be edited from inside the db using phpmyadmin.
Another problem with this solution is that my working forum uses greek_general_ci collation, so i dont think this can be changed easily in a large forum.

I would appreciate some help on this, i am really lost in the encoding issues..
Thank youWell, I think that you can check in what language charset is configured the tables that are using the phpbb...

The other thing that I think you will do is to use insead of an iso, the utf-8 charset...