I was using PHP4.4.4 recently and my application was working great! I've been planning on buying a server for this application to go online.
I bought the server, and decided to set up PHP5. I got everything working, minus sessions.
I am using IIS, and installed PHP5 with the ISAPI option at install.
I ran a test to see what was happening. On the first page I did the regular
$_SESSION['blah'] = 'Wee!';
echo $_SESSION['blah'];
In this case, the output was Wee! - however, I made another page and tried to echo the session variable and the session got destroyed somehow.
Perusing the net I've editted my PHP.ini file and I've set several things.
session.cookie_path = /
sessop.save_path = "E:\sessions\"
I've tried getting rid of the last slash in the save_path as well. The folder sessions has 'Everyone' set to read & write access.
Any help is appreciated.Is this a typo?
sessop.save_path = "E:\sessions\"
It should be
session.save_path = "E:/sessions/"Just noting that this line:session_id();doesn't do anything.Try echo'ing session_id() on each page to verify that it's the same every time. If it's not, the SID isn't propogating between pages.
Also, make sure display_errors is set to On and error_reporting is set to E_ALL.
I bought the server, and decided to set up PHP5. I got everything working, minus sessions.
I am using IIS, and installed PHP5 with the ISAPI option at install.
I ran a test to see what was happening. On the first page I did the regular
$_SESSION['blah'] = 'Wee!';
echo $_SESSION['blah'];
In this case, the output was Wee! - however, I made another page and tried to echo the session variable and the session got destroyed somehow.
Perusing the net I've editted my PHP.ini file and I've set several things.
session.cookie_path = /
sessop.save_path = "E:\sessions\"
I've tried getting rid of the last slash in the save_path as well. The folder sessions has 'Everyone' set to read & write access.
Any help is appreciated.Is this a typo?
sessop.save_path = "E:\sessions\"
It should be
session.save_path = "E:/sessions/"Just noting that this line:session_id();doesn't do anything.Try echo'ing session_id() on each page to verify that it's the same every time. If it's not, the SID isn't propogating between pages.
Also, make sure display_errors is set to On and error_reporting is set to E_ALL.