php xml Google Geocoding Error


New Member
if i understand the google error OVER_QUERY_LIMIT right, than it comes because of too many ip-requests.BUT if I go to the browser and load the following link: can see the xml!So why is that?Do I have a problem in my code?Here it is:\[code\] $the_map = htmlspecialchars($_POST['map'], ENT_QUOTES); error_reporting(0); $map_query = file_get_contents(''.rawurlencode($the_map).'&sensor=false'); error_reporting(1); if ($map_query){ $geo_code = simplexml_load_string(utf8_encode($map_query)); if ($geo_code){ $map_lat = $geo_code->xpath("/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lat"); $map_lng = $geo_code->xpath("/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lng"); $map_lat = $map_lat[0][0]; $map_lng = $map_lng[0][0]; } }\[/code\]