I have problem that I cant do by my self.I have class which has one variable that is used in method create in class and then should be used in few different places in code.The code is separated in few files so I'll try to show them correctly.\[code\]abstract class AbstractWeb {public $APIname = "default";public $FrameworkVersion;public $PHPversion;public $elements;public $forbidElements;public $activeElements = array();public $isExecuted;public $view;public static $test;public function __construct() { $this->elements = $this->getClassName(); $this->forbidElements = array(); $this->FrameworkVersion = 0.001; $this->PHPversion = PHP_VERSION; $this->isExecuted = false; $this->exec();}public function exec() { $this->isExecuted = true;}public function create($var, $template = "view") { if (!in_array($var, $this->elements)) { echo 'Sorry, there is no such object with this name'; die(); } if (in_array($var, $this->forbidElements)) { echo 'Sorry, You can not access this object'; die(); } $object = new $var(); $this->activeElements[] = array("template" => $template, "value" => NULL); return $object;}public function getClassName() { $names = array(); foreach (glob("Library/*.php") as $filename) { $filename = str_replace("Library/", "", $filename); $filename = str_replace(".php", "", $filename); $names[] = $filename; } return $names;}}\[/code\]This is my class which has variable $activeElements. It is used in method create.\[code\]class index extends View{function exec() { parent::exec(); $this->create("String")->printString("a"); $this->setTemplate();}public function setTemplate($template = "template") { parent::setTemplate($template);}}\[/code\]index class calls that method. It can call create method from AbstractWeb class because index is connected with view and view is connected with AbstractWeb.\[code\]class View extends AbstractWeb{public function exec() { parent::exec();}public function setTemplate($template = "template") { foreach($this->activeElements as $data) { echo $data["template"] ."<br />"; } $part = "b"; include_once 'Template/'. $this->APIname .'/'. $template .'.php';}}\[/code\]in this class i successfully use that $this->activeElements variable with all needed values. BUT\[code\]class String extends AbstractWeb{ public function exec() { parent::exec(); } public function printString($string) { foreach($this->activeElements as $data) { echo "a = ". $data["template"]. "<br />"; } }}\[/code\]This class gets just empty array. Why it doesnt get updated variable $this->activeElements?How can I fix this?Thank You in advance,Daniels