PHP uploader for about a thousand images?


New Member
I am working on a websitwe and I need a client to send me close to a thousand pictures. There is a bit of a geographical distance between us, so while mailing a CD or SD card is not impossible, it is not preferred. Can I write a PHP uploader to have the client submit the pictures, or is there a better way? I do not want to subscribe to any file sharing sites. Assuming I am writing such an uploader, is there a way to code a progresbar and/or some other features that protect against corrupted files by interrupted upload?Any links to resources that help are a plus.ThanksEDIT:This is a one time thing and these are high quality images we are discussing. It's gonna be a few GB. By FTP Space, you mean a username and pwd to my FTP server? It can be done, but (why) is an FTP client better than a web based uploader? I am not sure that the client knows how to or wants to download an FTP program. The client is on a Mac and I don't trust the few FTP programs for Mac that I've seen.Assuming I take the "everything in a single zip" route, will PHP work?Thanks again.EDIT:Okay, so far I've been convinced not to use PHP unless we use .zip files. Also, I probably will nix the progress bar for now.Waiting for client, will get back to everyone in the next few days. EDIT:Met the client at some sort of function. The client had the photos there on a flash drive. Problem solved.+1 for all of the input.