PHP upload limit?


New Member
I have a big problem with uploading.

vBulletin shows that the following limits of servers:

PHP 5.2.8
PHP Max Post Size 8.00 MB
PHP Maximum Upload Size 2.00 MB
PHP Memory Limit 32.00 MB
MySQL Version 5.0.67-community
MySQL Packet Size 16.00 MB

Server does not want and will not change and increase the upload limit, particularly PHP, which is only 2 MB.

I heard that it is possible otherwise bypass this limit and if this is true ask the experts that would help me.
Make a file called php.ini that contains the following:

upload_max_filesize = 10M
post_max_size = 20M
memory_limit = 32M

Upload this file into your forum root.


Add the following to your .htaccess file:

php_value upload_max_filesize = 10M
php_value post_max_size = 20M
php_value memory_limit = 32M

If your host supports local php.ini values, this should give you a max upload size of 10M. Increase as necessary, with post_max_size being larger than upload_max_size and memory_limit being larger than post_max_size.
That solution won't help if you're getting DB errors. Try moving your attachments outside the DB into the file system.

AdminCP -> Attachments -> Attachment Storage Type
Grinderhand said:
That solution won't help if you're getting DB errors. Try moving your attachments outside the DB into the file system.

AdminCP -> Attachments -> Attachment Storage Type

Thats done the trick thankyou.