PHP upload file


New Member
i have been stressing for an hour at this stupid script i am trying to make it uploa an MP3file to a folder it creates.It is putting the information into mysql and making the folder bu when i ftp the folder is empty with no music file in therehere is the script thanks so so so much!BTW $name is the POSTED name and full name is the posted name + ".mp3"\[code\]// BEGIN ENTERING INFORMATION TO MYSQL TABLE$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mattyc (name, date, length, size, link) VALUES('$name','$date','$length','$size','$link')" ) or die (mysql_error()); mkdir("../music/albums/donjuma/$name", 0777);$song = ("../music/albums/donjuma/$name/$fullname"); if (file_exists($song)) { unlink($song); } $newname = "$fullname"; $newfile = rename(($_FILES['song']['tmp_name']),($newname)); $place_file = move_uploaded_file( $newfile, "../music/albums/donjuma/$name/"."$newname"); $success_msg = "<font color=\"#009900\">Your SONG has been updated, it may take a few minutes for the changes to show... please be patient.</font>"; echo $success_msg; } }}\[/code\]