Php Turns Out Different With Different Os?


I haven't a clue whether I should be asking this here or not, but i'm at the end of my tether. If this post doesn't belong here, feel free to delete/move it.<br /><br />I recently downloaded, installed and modified a free script to create an event calendar. <br /><br />It displays absolutely fine using Win2k Pro IE 6.1.2800.1106<br /><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br />On WinME IE 6.1.2800.1106IC Some wierd things happen.<br /><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br /><br />Links to text versions of the ph files follow, obviously the file names have changed by adding a txt and i haev not included any database info (usernames, passwords etc)<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />These files will be deleted after a couple days for security reasons.<br /><br />I'm aware that half of useradmin is wrong, I didn't bother to modify the sections wihch Idid not want, such as changing passwords, deleting users etc as I modified the files to point to my phpbb users database. <br /><br />I would be grateful for any suggestions as to the wierd display problems i'm having.<br /><br />Thank you in advance...<br /><br /> Rock Sign<br /><br />Marion Cable<!--content-->
I'd love to help but I'm so used to uploading php to the apache servers that I wouldn't know where to start.<br /><br />Can anyone else help?<!--content-->
No no,, the PHP is hosted on the TCH unix servers.. the VIEWER's are Win2k and WinME... which doesn't make any sense!<!--content-->
I see... sorry for not looking closer.<br /><br />It's possible to install php on your PC but I know nothing about that. Don't know why I assumed you were doing that.<br /><br />Anyhow. You've posted a lot of code. I know you're looking for a white knight to rescue you but I've spent the better part of the past two days hacking scripts on several large sites. I seriously don't have it in me to weed through your code.<br /><br />I'll tell give you a good idea of where to focus<br /><br />Either <br /><br />1- functions.php file and look at <br />function writeCalendar($month, $year)<br /><br />or possibly<br /><br />2- the template file... which I don't think you posted here. <br /><br />This php script is like many others that tell the server how to write the html code depending on various situations. But the end result is html.<br /><br />So I would look at the source code of your html that's produced. Once you figure out why the html isn't showing in the second example (unclosed tr, td, or table tags I would guess) then you can go try to hunt down the incorrect php code that makes it happen.<br /><br />Why does it work in one browser? OS? Same reason that every site looks a little (or very) different between IE and Mozilla.<br /><br />This didn't hand the answer to you on a silver platter... but it should cut your debug time down dramatically.<br /><br />Hope it helps.<br /><br />PS - Confucious say: Best way to learn php is to hack away at others' code.<!--content-->
Hi!<br /><br />As you say, i'm almost certain the problem lies in functions or the template (which is called default).<br /><br />what follow is the text output of the sourced, viewed from win2k and winme. It looks to me like win2k manages to read the lang files but winme does not! Wierd!!! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /> <br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />Marion<!--content-->
I'm not convinced the problem is in the code. The PHP code that creates the calendar runs on the server so there is no OS problems there. I'd look at your browsers to see if there are any settings different between the one on W2K and WME. Of course I'm assuming you're using the same browser on both. Perhaps there is one of the "Allow XX" or "Disable YY" settings that's causing the problem.<!--content-->
On one hand i'm inclined to believe you Dave, however, why should that affect the output of the php? If you check the source, you'll see that hte lang php files haven't been looked at at all by the WinMe machine (identical browser btw)<br /><br />I'm basically concerned that people can all see the calendar as it's meant to be... without having to tell them to change things on their browser.<br /><br />Marion<!--content-->
MazzaRC, <br /><br />Dave is right... the PHP code just tells the server what HTML to send to your browser. Your browser has no way of knowing (or interpreting) that a page is php.<br /><br />So the question isn't "Why is PHP being interpreted differently by different browsers, OS?"<br /><br />The question is "Why are the different browsers, OS interpreting the <b>same</b> HTML and style sheets differently?"<br /><br />I'm not the end all and be all of programming... but this is something that I can tell you with absolute certainty.<br /><br />The only time that different browsers would affect PHP would be if cookies come into play.<!--content-->
**blushes**<br /><br />Oh dear, I am so silly. I deleted my cookies and it worked. **hides under her rock** <br /><br />I was goign to ask with a little helpw itht he login part of the script as it doesn't work... but as i made such an elementary mistake on this problem, i think il'l go check the code again before i make myself look even more stuipd.<br /><br />Thanks for the help.<br /><br /> Rock Sign<!--content-->
Found it.... oh boy am i stupid.<!--content-->
Nope, you're not stupid. I have done ISP tech support for years and every now and again I would get a call that sounded like a specific issue and I would start off in that direction only to realize it was a simple little thing that was causing the problem. <br /><br />Just last night I was wondering why I could only save images from the web as .bmp files. The images were .jpg but it wasn't offered in my drop down menu. After 2 minutes on Google I found a suggestion to clear my cache. Worked perfectly after that.<br /><br />I blame it on age but I know I am just so used to having major issues that I tend to overlook the small things.<!--content-->